2025 Championship Show, Obedience, Rally, RATG and Trick trials
Sunday 18 May 2025
Boxhall Pavillion
KCC Park
Wedge Rd
Thank you to our class sponsors:
Best in Show
Opposite Sex to Best in Show
Runner Up to Best in Show
Challenge Dog
Challenge Bitch
Veteran 7-10 years
Veteran 10+ years
Open in Show
Bred by Exhibitor in Show
Australian Bred in Show
Intermediate in Show
Junior in Show
Puppy in Show
Minor Puppy in Show
Baby Puppy in Show
Neuter in Show
Runner Up to Best Neuter in Show
Best Head
Best Tail
Best Coat
Best Gaited
Highest Scoring in CCD
Highest Scoring in Novice Obedience
Highest Scoring in Open Obedience
Highest Scoring in Utility
Highest Scoring in UDX
Highest Scoring in Obedience Trial
Highest Scoring in Rally Novice
Highest Scoring in Rally Advanced
Highest Scoring in Rally Excellent
Highest Scoring in Rally Master
Highest Scoring in Rally Trial
Highest Scoring in RATG Novice
Highest Scoring in RATG Open
Highest Scoring in RATG Trial
Highest Scoring in Trick Dog Starter
Highest Scoring in Trick Dog Novice
Highest Scoring in Trick Dog Intermediate
Highest Scoring in Trick Dog Advanced
Highest Scoring in Trick Trial
Meet our judges
Conformation (Ordinary classes)
My introduction to dogs was in 1998 in obedience competitions with a Golden Retriever. She went on to obtain her Utility Dog title and, in the process, I learnt a lot about training dogs.
I started showing in 1999 with a Golden Retriever and my husband’s Labrador. He had some very nice wins and from then on, I was hooked on Labradors and conformation showing.
My husband Kyle and I commenced breeding under the prefix “Eraky” in 2001. We bred both Labradors and Golden Retrievers before focusing purely on Labradors from 2010.
We’ve bred, shown and titled 30+ champions with a number of these being specialty BIS winners. A few that I’m particularly proud of are Ch Eraky The Opener, himself a BISS winner and a big influence on our kennel, and his daughter, Ch Eraky Clarity who won 5 BISS, 5 RUBISS and a CC and RCC at Nationals.
Two who we are currently showing are Ch Eraky Ghost Rider – our first All Breeds Best in Show Winner, and Ch Eraky Zapata who won RUBIS at the 13th Labrador National in Melbourne in 2023.
I obtained my Gundog group license in 2023.
I would like to thank the Committee for the invitation to judge. I’m very much looking forward to seeing your lovely dogs.
Conformation (Property classes)
I have been a member of Dogs Victoria since 1987. We purchased our first Australian Cattle Dog pup in 1988. l joined the Australian Cattle Dog Club of Victoria lnc. in 1989 and quickly became involved on the Committee. I feel very proud to have been given Life Membership in 2013.
I have been a Member/Committee, President and Secretary of several Clubs and am still currently with the ACD Club of Vic lnc., and both the Ballarat Dog Club and Sovereign City Kennel Club.
Retired from exhibiting and breeding, but our Kennel prefix was STRATHBLUE and we have sent dogs to Europe, the USA and semen to South Africa. We were not a large kennel and only did selective breeding.
Two of our proudest moments were when International, Mexican, American Champion Strathblue Aussie Topgun won the ACDCA Specialty in 2004 and then went on to be top A.C.D in America in 2005. The other one was with Grand Champion Strathblue Aussie Lord who won Best in Show at the ACD Club of Vic lnc. in 2003, 2004 and then winning it again in 2012, at 12 years of age.
I am licensed to judge Groups Two, Four and Five. I am currently in the Judges Training Scheme for the Gundog Group.
I have had the privilege of judging my own breed in Texas (USA), the ACD Club of Victoria lnc. 2015 Specialty and the A.C.D. Society of N.S.W. Specialty in 2018.
I have Judged in Australia and New Zealand.
I would like to thank the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Club of Victoria lnc. for inviting me to judge their Property Classes at the 2025 Championship Show.
It is an honour and pleasure to be asked to judge such a beautiful breed.
My love for dog training began in 1982 when I signed up at Southern Obedience Dog Club with my first Weimaraner, Jessie.
Dalmatians Rommy and Rebel joined our family in 1996, and I started trialling.
In 2005 Rommy and I achieved our Australian Obedience Champion Title.
Ringo, my wonderful GSP gained his UD title and in 2017 became a Rally Obedience Champion.
Weimaraner Eli is a Triple Champion, Conformation, Tracking and Rally.
As well, I have made up 5 other Weimaraner Australian Champions in Conformation.
My next challenge is my gorgeous Aussie Shepherd, Kody.
I love seeing people working with their dogs and I definitely know the challenges they face, but also the joy and bond that is formed in the training and competing.
Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs (RATG)
Trick Dog
I started training and competing in dog sports about 25 years ago, and my current team is an Associate and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel.
I am an ANKC Judge in both Trick Dog and Dances with Dogs.
My dogs compete in obedience, Rally, Trick Dog, Freestyle, Heelwork to Music and more recently we have taken up Scentwork.
I’m thrilled that my dogs have achieved Freestyle Grand Champion, Heelwork Champion, Rally Champion, Utility Dog and Trick Dog Advanced.
I’m also a Pet Therapy volunteer of around 14 years, visiting Aged Care and Hospitals.
I’m passionate about Trick Dog and I wish everyone the best of luck.